Morley Equipment

Welcome to Morley Equipment Company. Our mission is to provide an affordable, quality flat-saw that is user friendly and easy to service and maintain. MEC, originally founded by Morley Williams, the previous owner of Masterpiece Engineering aka MECO. MEC is now owned by Blaise Jackson. Blaise also oversees and manages all areas of production.

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    We believe that in a specialized industry like ours, integrity and solid customer service are vital. Feel free to contact us with your questions.

Team Leadership

Morley Williams
Owner & Creator

Morley Williams and his original company Masterpiece Engineering Company or MECO have been icons in the concrete cutting industry for over forty years. After selling MECO, Morley could not help but think there was still a better saw design out there. The result is Morley Equipment Company. His philosophy is simple – create affordable saws that are simple to operate and maintain.

Blaise Jackson
Owner & Creator

Blaise Jackson has also been involved in the concrete cutting industry for many years. While attending San Diego State University his family owned a small diamond blade manufacturing company. Shortly after, he began his own concrete cutting company, Blaise Concrete Cutting, and was in business for ten years. He joined Morley Equipment Company as he too could see that a better saw design was still out there. He’s also Morley’s son-in-law. Blaise is an expert in both the design, operation and maintenance of all Morley Equipment saws and is in charge of daily manufacturing operations. His philosophy is also simple – always do business with integrity.

Donna Jackson
Office Manager

Donna Jackson was literally born into the concrete cutting industry. She's Morley's daughter and Blaise's wife. She is your point of contact for all office matters. Her philosophy is simple – treat customers like family and you can't lose.

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